Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Hep Yek: Aşiret Movie

Hep Yek: Aşiret

Hep Yek: Aşiret is a thrilling Comedy film directed by Bilal Kalyoncu. This captivating story, produced by 2506 Sinema, released on 2024-04-05 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Hep Yek: Aşiret Movie Details

Movie Name Hep Yek: Aşiret
Release Date 2024-04-05
Language Turkish
Country Turkey
Genres Comedy
Director Bilal Kalyoncu
Writer Bilal Kalyoncu
Production Company 2506 Sinema
Rating 7.9 out of 10 (185 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have İnan Ulaş Torun as Altan, Önder Açıkbaş as Gürkan, Savaş Satış as Unknown Character, Berdan Mardini as Unknown Character, Merve Cin as Unknown Character, Halil İbrahim Göker as Unknown Character, Ufuk Özkan as Unknown Character.


Altan and Gürkan, who caused the daughter of the most dangerous mafia in Central Anatolia, Yasemin, to flee from the wedding in the previous film, will try to rescue her from the tribe in Hakkari. On one hand, they face death threats from Ejder, and on the other, from Engizisyon Cemal. Once again, Altan and Gürkan will mess things up and create a series of ridiculous situations.


Hep Yek: Aşiret


Who directed the Hep Yek: Aşiret movie?

Bilal Kalyoncu directed the Hep Yek: Aşiret movie.

What categories does the Hep Yek: Aşiret movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy.

When was Hep Yek: Aşiret released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-05.

How long is the Hep Yek: Aşiret movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Hep Yek: Aşiret movie?

The screenplay was written by Bilal Kalyoncu.