Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Hitpig! Movie


Hitpig! is a thrilling Adventure, Animation, Comedy film directed by David Feiss, Cinzia Angelini. This captivating story, produced by Cinesite Animation, Aniventure, Rosebud Enterprises (GB), GFM Animation, released on 2024-11-01 with a runtime of 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Hitpig! Movie Details

Movie Name Hitpig!
Release Date 2024-11-01
Language English, Italian
Country Canada, United Kingdom
Genres Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director David Feiss, Cinzia Angelini
Producer Peter Nagle, John Kambites, Damien Simonklein, Adam Nagle, Dave Rosenbaum
Editor Rob Neal
Cinematographer Olaf Skjenna
Production Company Cinesite Animation, Aniventure, Rosebud Enterprises (GB), GFM Animation
Rating 3.5 out of 10 (111 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jason Sudeikis as Hitpig (voice), Lilly Singh as Pickles (voice), Rainn Wilson as Leapin' Lord of the Leotard (voice), RuPaul as Polecat (voice), Hannah Gadsby as Lola (voice), Anitta as Leticia dos Anjos (voice), Charlie Adler as Super Rooster / Lobster / Nuke Techs (voice), Flavor Flav as Chef Emcee (voice), Lorraine Ashbourne as Big Bertha (voice), Andy Serkis as Newscaster (voice), Shelby Young as Catchvan (voice), Dave Rosenbaum as Janitor (voice).


A porcine bounty hunter accepts his next hit: Pickles, a naive, ebullient elephant. Though he initially sets out to capture the perky pachyderm, the unlikely pair find themselves crisscrossing the globe on an adventure that brings out the best in both of them.

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Who directed the Hitpig! movie?

David Feiss, Cinzia Angelini directed the Hitpig! movie.

What categories does the Hitpig! movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Adventure, Animation, Comedy.

When was Hitpig! released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-01.

How long is the Hitpig! movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 24 minutes.

Who wrote the Hitpig! movie?

The screenplay was written by .