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Hors du temps Movie

Hors du temps

Hors du temps is a thrilling Drama, Romance, Comedy film directed by Olivier Assayas. This captivating story, produced by Curiosa Films, Vortex Sutra, released on 2024-06-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 45 minutes.

Hors du temps Movie Details

Movie Name Hors du temps
Release Date 2024-06-19
Language French
Country France
Genres Drama, Romance, Comedy
Director Olivier Assayas
Producer Olivier Delbosc, Olivier Assayas
Editor Marion Monnier
Cinematographer Éric Gautier
Production Company Curiosa Films, Vortex Sutra
Rating 5.2 out of 10 (183 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Vincent Macaigne as Étienne, Micha Lescot as Paul, Nine d'Urso as Carole, Nora Hamzawi as Morgane, Maud Wyler as Flavia, Dominique Reymond as Psychoanalyst, Magdalena Lafont as Britt, Thomas Bodson as Paul jeune.


April 2020––Lockdown. Etienne, a film director, and his brother Paul, a music journalist, are confined together in their childhood home with their new partners Morgane and Carole. Every room, every object, reminds them of their childhood, and the memories of the absents––their parents, their neighbors… This compels them to measure the distance that separates them from each other and the roots they share, those of their ground zero. As the world around them is becoming increasingly unsettling, unreality, and even a disturbing strangeness, invades their daily gestures and actions.


Hors du temps


Who directed the Hors du temps movie?

Olivier Assayas directed the Hors du temps movie.

What categories does the Hors du temps movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance, Comedy.

When was Hors du temps released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-19.

How long is the Hors du temps movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 45 minutes.

Who wrote the Hors du temps movie?

The screenplay was written by .