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Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie Movie

Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie

Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie is a thrilling Drama, Animation, Family, Comedy film directed by Adam Katz, Brian Koch, Justin Chapman. This captivating story, produced by Adamation Inc., released on 2024-11-25 with a runtime of 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie Movie Details

Movie Name Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie
Release Date 2024-11-25
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Animation, Family, Comedy
Director Adam Katz, Brian Koch, Justin Chapman
Writer Brian Koch
Production Company Adamation Inc.
Rating 10 out of 10 (100 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mark Katz as MePhone4 (voice), Joshua Waters as Steve Cobs (voice), Sam Thornbury as Suitcase (voice), Justin Chapman as Goo / Knife / J.U.S.T.I.N. / MePad / Mocking Voice / Paper / Silver Spoon (voice), Brian Koch as B.R.I.A.N. / Fan / Starfruit (voice), Ben Cross as Balloon / MePhone3GS (voice), Sutton H. as MePhone1 (voice), Olivia Ciabattari as MePhone3G / Meeple HQ announcer (voice), Michael Bruzzone as Lightbulb (voice), Derek Napolitano as Cherries / Pickle (voice), Rheagan Rizio as Taco (voice), Jazzy Oliver as Paintbrush (voice), Hailey Chapman as Microphone (voice), Marco Bonomo as Yin-Yang (voice), Dee Cashin as Candle / Cheesy / Marshmallow (voice), Skyler Lent as Bow (voice), Sacri as Dough (voice), Braden Whiteside as Tissues (voice), Max Weissman as Bomb (voice), Alexa Chapman as Salt / Pepper (voice), Oliver Smith as Toilet (voice), Geoff Goldfeder as Mecintosh (voice), Americatress as Control Shimmer (voice), Patrick Mealey as OJ (voice), Kacie Chapman as Soap (voice), Casey Landman as Cabby (voice), Brandon Shim as The Prime Shimmer (voice), Justin Napolitano as Trophy (voice).


After escaping his creator, MePhone began a series of reality show competitions. Now, his newest season has come down to its final two contestants, Suitcase and Knife. But when MePhone’s past comes back to haunt him, not only will it put his contestants in danger, but it may stop his show from having a proper ending.

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Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie


Who directed the Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie movie?

Adam Katz, Brian Koch, Justin Chapman directed the Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie movie.

What categories does the Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Animation, Family, Comedy.

When was Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-25.

How long is the Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Who wrote the Inanimate Insanity II: The Movie movie?

The screenplay was written by Brian Koch.