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Incoming Movie


Incoming is a thrilling Comedy film directed by Dave Chernin, John Chernin. This captivating story, produced by Artists Road, Spyglass Media Group, Broken Road Productions, Stoller Global Solutions, released on 2024-08-22 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Incoming Movie Details

Movie Name Incoming
Release Date 2024-08-22
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Comedy
Director Dave Chernin, John Chernin
Writer John Chernin, Dave Chernin
Producer Mark Korshak, Nicholas Stoller, Todd Garner, Ben Silverman, Conor Welch, Gary Barber, Peter Oillataguerre, Peter Principato
Editor Elizabeth Praino, Josh Crockett
Cinematographer Ricardo Diaz
Production Company Artists Road, Spyglass Media Group, Broken Road Productions, Stoller Global Solutions
Rating 6.169 out of 10 (228 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mason Thames as Benj Nielsen, Ramon Reed as Eddie, Raphael Alejandro as Connor, Isabella Ferreira as Bailey, Bardia Seiri as Danah 'Koosh' Koushani, Loren Gray as Katrina Aurienna, Ali Gallo as Alyssa Nielsen, Scott MacArthur as Dennis, Thomas Barbusca as Ruby, Kim Hawthorne as Principal Hutchens, Victoria Moroles as Gabrielle, Kayvan Shai as Kayvon Koushani, Kaitlin Olson as Ms. Nielsen, Bobby Cannavale as Mr. Studebaker, Nolan Bateman as Upperclassman 2, Eric Grooms as Upperclassman 1, Gattlin Griffith as Shaved Head, Phillip M. Lawrence as Dreadlocks, Javion Allen as Knucklehead 1, Steele Stebbins as Knucklehead 2, Dinora Walcott as Eddie's Mom, Elijah Ocelotzin Espinoza as Aaron The Student, Stefanie Rons as Jessica, Devon Weetly as Cool Jeff, Kirsten Song as Friend #1, Lauren Mendoza as Friend #2, Max Tepper as Guy In Common Area, Chase Edmondson as Lover #1, Tommy Miller as Lover #2, Sammi-Jack Martincak as Nicole, Danny Miller as Random Partier, Anissa Borrego as Trendy Girl, Ronin Lee as Officer, Imogen Tear as Awkward Sophomore, Caroline Anna-Kaye Green as Kissing Girl.


Their first week of high school. The biggest party of the year. Mistakes will be made as four teenage boys navigate a night of mayhem and debauchery.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the Incoming movie?

Dave Chernin, John Chernin directed the Incoming movie.

What categories does the Incoming movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy.

When was Incoming released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-22.

How long is the Incoming movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the Incoming movie?

The screenplay was written by John Chernin, Dave Chernin.