Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Infinity Movie


Infinity is a thrilling Drama, Romance, Comedy film directed by Allison Irey. This captivating story, produced by Independent, released on 2024-04-27 with a runtime of 0 hours and 44 minutes.

Infinity Movie Details

Movie Name Infinity
Release Date 2024-04-27
Genres Drama, Romance, Comedy
Director Allison Irey
Writer E. Schurtz, Max Kornblut, Anna Aldis, Ethan Dorman, Allison Irey, AnnMarie Palombi, Emma Anderson
Editor Ethan Dorman, Edward Umstead, Leanne Abel, Audrey Filimon, Bre Reidl, Olivia Freeland
Cinematographer Fitzhugh “Trey” Lyons III, Megan Pagett
Production Company Independent
Rating 10 out of 10 (132 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Lily Sellars as Vanessa, Felix Schmitt as Riley, Jennifer Koons-Weston as Riley’s Mom, Grace Deliberato as Jessica, Abigail Sowinski as Chloe, Aiden Wickham as James, Anna Aldis as Theater Girl, Nick Thompson as Extra, Yoshi Schmaltz as Extra, Sam Mazza as Extra, Grace Palmatary as Extra.


Infinity was made apart of an independent study at Ohio University. Every person who worked on this film, aside from one of our actors, is a student at Ohio University and has worked on bringing this story to life since October 2022. Set in 2016, Infinity follows the story of two drastically different teenage girls who experience the pressures of growing up and falling in love far too fast. This film is the broad outline for a much larger story, one we hope to continue in the future if given the opportunity!




Who directed the Infinity movie?

Allison Irey directed the Infinity movie.

What categories does the Infinity movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance, Comedy.

When was Infinity released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-27.

How long is the Infinity movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 44 minutes.

Who wrote the Infinity movie?

The screenplay was written by E. Schurtz, Max Kornblut, Anna Aldis, Ethan Dorman, Allison Irey, AnnMarie Palombi, Emma Anderson.