Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Insubmissas Movie


Insubmissas is a thrilling Drama film directed by Carol Benjamin, Taís Amordivino, Luh Maza, Julia Katharine, Ana do Carmo. This captivating story, produced by , released on 2024-10-03 with a runtime of 1 hours and 12 minutes.

Insubmissas Movie Details

Movie Name Insubmissas
Release Date 2024-10-03
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Drama
Director Carol Benjamin, Taís Amordivino, Luh Maza, Julia Katharine, Ana do Carmo
Writer Anna Clara Peltier
Production Company
Rating 7.7 out of 10 (179 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Divina Valéria as Lili Vignon (Capítulo 'Nada Somos'), Gilda Nomacce as Júlia (Capítulo 'Tarde Demais'), Jéssica Marques as Noiva Jovem (Capítulo 'Duas Noivas'), Márcia Limma as Noiva Morta, Antônio Petrin as Manuel (Capítulo 'Nada Somos'), Alana Ayoká as Divindade (Capítulo 'Duas Noivas'), Rodrigo Bolzan as Tomás (Capítulo 'Tarde Demais'), Mawusi Tulani as Jana (Capítulo 'Nada Somos'), Jota Silva as Jorge (Capítulo 'Nevrose'), Assucena Assucena as Nina (Capítulo 'Nada Somos'), César Novais as César (Capítulo 'Tarde Demais').


Women writers intertwine their work in the form of an anthology in this feature film. The scripts are adapted from tales written by Brazilian women at the end of the 20th Century to create four shorts filmed by directors of groups under-represented in the cinematographic industry of Brazil of 2024. Themes such as death, healing, the body, marriage and desire are tantamount in stories in which women revisit their past in search of liberty.




Who directed the Insubmissas movie?

Carol Benjamin, Taís Amordivino, Luh Maza, Julia Katharine, Ana do Carmo directed the Insubmissas movie.

What categories does the Insubmissas movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Insubmissas released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-03.

How long is the Insubmissas movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 12 minutes.

Who wrote the Insubmissas movie?

The screenplay was written by Anna Clara Peltier.