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Jenni Movie


Jenni is a thrilling Drama, Music film directed by Gigi Saul Guerrero. This captivating story, produced by Mucho Mas Media, De Line Pictures, released on 2024-10-21 with a runtime of 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Jenni Movie Details

Movie Name Jenni
Release Date 2024-10-21
Language Spanish, English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Music
Director Gigi Saul Guerrero
Writer Kate Lanier, Shane McKenzie
Producer Javier Chapa, Phillip Braun, Donald De Line, Simon Wise
Production Company Mucho Mas Media, De Line Pictures
Rating 6.8 out of 10 (139 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Annie Gonzalez as Jenni Rivera, Cinthya Carmona as Chiquis Rivera, J.R. Villarreal as Juan 'Cinco' Lopez, Manuel Uriza as Pedro Rivera, Miguel Angel Garcia as Trino Marín, Jero Medina as Trino Marin, Gabriela Reynoso as Rosa Saavedra, Ángel Soto Castelo as Lupillo Rivera.


Based on the iconic Mexican-American singer-songwriter, actor, producer and women's rights activist, Jenni Rivera. Follow Rivera’s journey from her humble beginnings in Long Beach, California, to her meteoric rise to the top of the charts, and her final days before her tragic and unexpected death. See the struggles she endured during her personal life, how she became the artist fans know and love today, and how she persevered and found strength from within.


Who directed the Jenni movie?

Gigi Saul Guerrero directed the Jenni movie.

What categories does the Jenni movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Music.

When was Jenni released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-21.

How long is the Jenni movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 52 minutes.

Who wrote the Jenni movie?

The screenplay was written by Kate Lanier, Shane McKenzie.