Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Kaka Boss Movie

Kaka Boss

Kaka Boss is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Arie Kriting. This captivating story, produced by Imajinari, Jagartha, Trinity Entertainment, A&Z Films, Legacy Pictures, Karma Club, Rhaya Flicks, released on 2024-08-29 with a runtime of 2 hours and 1 minutes.

Kaka Boss Movie Details

Movie Name Kaka Boss
Release Date 2024-08-29
Language Indonesian
Country Indonesia
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Arie Kriting
Writer Arie Kriting
Producer Ernest Prakasa, Dipa Andika
Editor Ryan Purwoko
Cinematographer Arfian
Production Company Imajinari, Jagartha, Trinity Entertainment, A&Z Films, Legacy Pictures, Karma Club, Rhaya Flicks
Rating 5 out of 10 (113 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Godfred Orindeod as Ferdinand Omakare, Glory Hillary as Angel, Ernest Prakasa as Alan, Mamat Alkatiri as Reggae, Abdur Arsyad as Gafur, Nowela Elisabeth Mikhelia Auparay as Nowela, Putri Nere as Martha, Elsa Japasal as Gladys, Aurel Mayori as Jenny, Bima Azriel as Ezra, Reinold Lawalata as Billy, Teddy Adhitya as Teddy, Ge Pamungkas as Teguh, Chun Funky Papua as Chun, Priska Baru Segu as Nora, Adrian Mattheis as Hammer, Kiki Narendra as Iswantoro, Indah Permatasari as Indah, Aci Resti as Journalist, Ardit Erwandha as Journalist, Popon Kerok as Jali, Yudha Brajamusti as Ramli, Saykoji as DJ, Kristo Immanuel as Ajit, Arif Brata as Teacher at Career Day, Zahra Aliyya as Zahra, Try Anggara as Anggara, Ricky Saldan as Kaka Boss' Opponent, Rizal Hamidi as Bartender, Feri Sumayku as Mama Jenny, Ucita Pohan as Teacher/MC, R Swetajalu as Papa Ezra.


Ferdinand 'Kaka Boss' Omakare, a notorious and highly respected debt collector, tries to change course in his career journey to become a singer.

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Kaka Boss


Who directed the Kaka Boss movie?

Arie Kriting directed the Kaka Boss movie.

What categories does the Kaka Boss movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was Kaka Boss released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-29.

How long is the Kaka Boss movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 1 minutes.

Who wrote the Kaka Boss movie?

The screenplay was written by Arie Kriting.