Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Kangaroo Island Movie

Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island is a thrilling Drama, Family, Comedy film directed by Timothy David. This captivating story, produced by Pouch Potato Productions Pty Ltd, Piro, released on 2024-11-03 with a runtime of 1 hours and 50 minutes.

Kangaroo Island Movie Details

Movie Name Kangaroo Island
Release Date 2024-11-03
Language English
Genres Drama, Family, Comedy
Director Timothy David
Writer Sally Gifford
Producer Daniel M. Rosenberg, Leona Cichon, Timothy David, Peter Hanlon, Bettina Hamilton
Cinematographer Ian McCarroll
Production Company Pouch Potato Productions Pty Ltd, Piro
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (103 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Rebecca Breeds as Lou Wells, Adelaide Clemens as Freya Wells, Erik Thomson as Rory Wells, Joel Jackson as Ben Roberts, Louis Henbest as Todd, Julie Wood as Auntie Rose, Bodhi Palmer as Teddy, Forest Palmer as Alby, Glenn McMillan as Steve, Simone Annan as LA Cop, Mark Saturno as Police Officer Slatts, Genevieve Mooy as Sharon, Glenda Linscott as Mary, Nicholas Hope as Dr Roberts, Sally Gifford as Danielle (US Agent), Chris Asimos as Conroy (US Agent #1), Rhys Stewart as Rice (US Agent #2), Samantha Hughes as Samantha (LAX), Rachael Horbelt as Rachael (LAX), Stephen Tongun as Patron (LAX FF Lounge), Rachel Issenberg as Annie, Lauren Koopowitz as Kira, Thibul Nettle as Bob, Maddy Heard as Claire (Vivonne Customer), Ian Hart as Michael (Sharon's Husband).


Forced to reunite with her sister as part of her father's wishes, a struggling Hollywood actress returns home to Kangaroo Island and confronts the issues that drove her away.


Who directed the Kangaroo Island movie?

Timothy David directed the Kangaroo Island movie.

What categories does the Kangaroo Island movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family, Comedy.

When was Kangaroo Island released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-03.

How long is the Kangaroo Island movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 50 minutes.

Who wrote the Kangaroo Island movie?

The screenplay was written by Sally Gifford.