Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Kill Boro Movie

Kill Boro

Kill Boro is a thrilling Drama, Family film directed by Courage Obayuwana. This captivating story, produced by Natives Filmworks, Michelangelo Productions, released on 2024-05-30 with a runtime of 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Kill Boro Movie Details

Movie Name Kill Boro
Release Date 2024-05-30
Language English
Country Nigeria
Genres Drama, Family
Director Courage Obayuwana
Writer Priyi Diri
Producer Steve Gukas, Dotun Olakunri, Ikechukwu Omenaihe
Cinematographer Motheo Moeng
Production Company Natives Filmworks, Michelangelo Productions
Rating 6.3 out of 10 (105 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ini Dima-Okojie as Boma, Gregory Ojefua as Bossman, Philip Asaya as Boro, Hilda Dokubo as Mama Fanta, Brutus Richard as Gentle, Yibo Koko as Jaguar, Kosisochukwu Ogboruche as Elijah, Blessing Uzero as Lyd, Michael Dappa as Denzel.


A desperate son and debt-ridden father fight for their lives. Set in Azuama, a rustic town by the river, in an oil-rich state, “Kill Boro” tells the harrowing story of Elijah, a young boy burdened by his father Boro’s relentless brutality against him and his mother. Driven by desperation, Elijah seeks an unthinkable solution from a notorious gang leader.

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Kill Boro


Who directed the Kill Boro movie?

Courage Obayuwana directed the Kill Boro movie.

What categories does the Kill Boro movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family.

When was Kill Boro released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-30.

How long is the Kill Boro movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 17 minutes.

Who wrote the Kill Boro movie?

The screenplay was written by Priyi Diri.