Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Kék Pelikan Movie

Kék Pelikan

Kék Pelikan is a thrilling Animation, History, Documentary film directed by László Csáki. This captivating story, produced by Cinemon, Umbrella Collective, released on 2024-04-04 with a runtime of 1 hours and 20 minutes.

Kék Pelikan Movie Details

Movie Name Kék Pelikan
Release Date 2024-04-04
Language Hungarian
Country Hungary
Genres Animation, History, Documentary
Director László Csáki
Writer László Csáki
Producer Kázmér Miklós, Ádám Felszeghy
Editor Dániel Szabó
Cinematographer Árpád Horváth
Production Company Cinemon, Umbrella Collective
Rating 7 out of 10 (124 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Olivér Börcsök as Voice Actor (voice), Judit Csoma as Voice Actor (voice), Gábor Csőre as Voice Actor (voice), Zoltán Kálmánczhelyi as Voice Actor (voice), Miklós Kapácsy as Voice Actor (voice), Ágoston Kenéz as Voice Actor (voice), Norman Lévai as Voice Actor (voice), Renátó Olasz as Voice Actor (voice), Vivien Rujder as Voice Actor (voice), Kornél Tegyi as Voice Actor (voice), Thuróczy Szabolcs as Voice Actor (voice), Nóra Trokán as Voice Actor (voice), Vilmos Vajdai as Voice Actor (voice).


Hungary, 1990s. Travel abroad is finally possible, but unaffordable. By forging international train tickets, three young people get to know the world.

Watch the Trailer


Kék Pelikan


Who directed the Kék Pelikan movie?

László Csáki directed the Kék Pelikan movie.

What categories does the Kék Pelikan movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, History, Documentary.

When was Kék Pelikan released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-04.

How long is the Kék Pelikan movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 20 minutes.

Who wrote the Kék Pelikan movie?

The screenplay was written by László Csáki.