Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Koński ogon Movie

Koński ogon

Koński ogon is a thrilling Drama, Fantasy film directed by Justyna Łuczaj. This captivating story, produced by Łódź Film School, Dreamsound, Zespół Filmowy "Indeks", released on 2024-11-08 with a runtime of 1 hours and 15 minutes.

Koński ogon Movie Details

Movie Name Koński ogon
Release Date 2024-11-08
Language Polish
Country Poland
Genres Drama, Fantasy
Director Justyna Łuczaj
Writer Justyna Łuczaj
Producer Marcin Malatyński
Editor Urszula Klimek-Piątek, Paweł Laskowski, Justyna Łuczaj
Cinematographer Małgorzata Szyłak
Production Company Łódź Film School, Dreamsound, Zespół Filmowy "Indeks"
Rating 5.6 out of 10 (187 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Remigiusz Pocica as Maj, Ryta Kurak as Diana, Przemysław Bluszcz as Hans, Anouchka Kolbuch as Dagmara, Wojciech Białas as Max, Laurence Cross as Laura, Tomasz Mularski as Narrator, Leon K. Dziemaszkiewicz as Unknown Character, Ryszard Rozenbajger as Policeman, Kamil Dobrowolski as Policeman, Sebastian Laszczyk as Policeman, Marcin Kubit as Unknown Character, Piotr Pocica as Unknown Character, Mariusz Boruta as Unknown Character, Hubert Czerwonka as Unknown Character, Andrzej Kęsicki as Unknown Character, Barbara Napieraj as Grandmother, Miłosz Rygiel as Baby.


The ponytail is a dumpster version of the Oedipus myth. Diana, a prostitute from Vienna, returns to the city. She has a trace, memory gaps, and milk started flowing from her breasts. Twenty-year-old orphan-outcast May suspects that she may be its author. Diana's return coincides with one made in the neighboring forest. May is arrested for being violent on police officer Max's wife.

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Who directed the Koński ogon movie?

Justyna Łuczaj directed the Koński ogon movie.

What categories does the Koński ogon movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Fantasy.

When was Koński ogon released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-08.

How long is the Koński ogon movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 15 minutes.

Who wrote the Koński ogon movie?

The screenplay was written by Justyna Łuczaj.