Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

La abadesa Movie

La abadesa

La abadesa is a thrilling Drama film directed by Antonio Chavarrías. This captivating story, produced by Oberon Media, Wanda Visión, Saga Films, Icono 2020 AIE, released on 2024-03-22 with a runtime of 2 hours and 2 minutes.

La abadesa Movie Details

Movie Name La abadesa
Release Date 2024-03-22
Language Spanish
Country Belgium, Spain
Genres Drama
Director Antonio Chavarrías
Writer Antonio Chavarrías
Editor Clara Martínez Malagelada
Production Company Oberon Media, Wanda Visión, Saga Films, Icono 2020 AIE
Rating 6 out of 10 (133 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Daniela Brown as Emma, Blanca Romero as Eloisa, Carlos Cuevas as Borrell, Ernest Villegas as Eduard, Oriol Genís as Odón, Joaquín Notario as Obispo Gotmar, Berta Sánchez as Clara, Anaël Snoek as Melisenda, Eric Godon as Demetrio, Fabrice Boutique as Pierre traductor, Olivia Auclair as Elvira.


In the 9th century, Emma, a 17-year-old girl, is named Abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in conflict with the Moors. Upon arriving at the Abbey she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...

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La abadesa


Who directed the La abadesa movie?

Antonio Chavarrías directed the La abadesa movie.

What categories does the La abadesa movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was La abadesa released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-22.

How long is the La abadesa movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 2 minutes.

Who wrote the La abadesa movie?

The screenplay was written by Antonio Chavarrías.