Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

La Bête Movie

La Bête

La Bête is a thrilling Drama, Romance, Science Fiction film directed by Bertrand Bonello. This captivating story, produced by Les films du Bélier, My New Picture, Sons of Manual, ARTE France Cinéma, AMI, Jamal Zeinal Zade, released on 2024-02-07 with a runtime of 2 hours and 26 minutes.

La Bête Movie Details

Movie Name La Bête
Release Date 2024-02-07
Language English, French
Country Canada, France, Switzerland
Genres Drama, Romance, Science Fiction
Director Bertrand Bonello
Writer Bertrand Bonello, Guillaume Bréaud, Benjamin Charbit
Producer Justin Taurand, Bertrand Bonello
Editor Anita Roth
Cinematographer Josée Deshaies
Production Company Les films du Bélier, My New Picture, Sons of Manual, ARTE France Cinéma, AMI, Jamal Zeinal Zade
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (114 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Léa Seydoux as Gabrielle, George MacKay as Louis, Guslagie Malanda as Poupée Kelly, Dasha Nekrasova as Dakota, Elina Löwensohn as La voyante, Marta Hoskins as Gina, Julia Faure as Sophie, Kester Lovelace as Tom, Laurent Lacotte as L'architecte, Pierre-François Garel as Paul Poiret, Céline Carrère as Femme bal 1910, Lukas Ionesco as Anton, Hortense Gélinet as Femme bal 1910, Pauline Jacquard as Femme bal 1910, Alice Barnole as Femme bal 1910, Théo Hakola as Le barman clubs, Dejana Poposka as Femme clubs, Galice Cassagnes as Femme clubs, Lottie Andersen as Femme clubs, Matthias El Koulali as Homme clubs, Tom Neal as Assistant réalisateur pub sécurité routière, Tiffany Hofstetter as Femme pub sécurité routière, Dimitri Michelsen as Homme pub sécurité routière, Yazmine Van Deventer as Femme casting mannequins, Jean-Baptiste Heuet as Homme casting mannequins, Thomas Hayward as Chanteur émission karaoké, Andrew Eldridge as Chanteur émission karaoké, Marc Reed as Chanteur émission karaoké, Barry Johnson as Chanteur émission karaoké, Adam Carage as Mr. Denver (voice), Doug Rand as Voix service sécurité (voice), Gianna Salguerio as Doublure piano, Jiselle Henderkott as Danseur club (uncredited), Joa Jappont as Danseur club (uncredited).


In the near future where emotions have become a threat, Gabrielle finally decides to purify her DNA in a machine that will immerse her in her past lives and rid her of any strong feelings. She then meets Louis and feels a powerful connection, as if she had known him forever.

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La Bête


Who directed the La Bête movie?

Bertrand Bonello directed the La Bête movie.

What categories does the La Bête movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance, Science Fiction.

When was La Bête released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-07.

How long is the La Bête movie?

The runtime is 2 hours and 26 minutes.

Who wrote the La Bête movie?

The screenplay was written by Bertrand Bonello, Guillaume Bréaud, Benjamin Charbit.