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La famille Hennedricks Movie

La famille Hennedricks

La famille Hennedricks is a thrilling Family, Comedy film directed by Laurence Arné. This captivating story, produced by The Film, Bonnes Soeurs Productions, Gaumont, France 2 Cinéma, released on 2024-06-26 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

La famille Hennedricks Movie Details

Movie Name La famille Hennedricks
Release Date 2024-06-26
Language French
Country France
Genres Family, Comedy
Director Laurence Arné
Producer Michaël Gentile, Caroline Arné
Editor Anne-Sophie Bion
Cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman
Production Company The Film, Bonnes Soeurs Productions, Gaumont, France 2 Cinéma
Rating 5.3 out of 10 (172 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Laurence Arné as Justine, Dany Boon as Ludo, Ferdinand Redouloux as Henri, Jehan Renard as Joseph, Marie Lanchas as La Réceptionniste, Yannick Choirat as Pierre, Luna Ho Poumey as Emma, Jeanne Arènes as Véronique, Emilie Arthapignet as Stéphanie, Oscar Copp as Le punk, Tristan Lopin as un policier, Yann Guillarme as un policier, Arnaud Azoulay as Agent de sécurité, Onann Han as Nelle, Pauline Cazenave as La caissière Station service.


When her teenage son Henri threatens to move in with his father, Justine improvises a road trip along the Atlantic coast with her new partner Ludo and stepson Joseph, giving her family one last chance to unite.

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La famille Hennedricks


Who directed the La famille Hennedricks movie?

Laurence Arné directed the La famille Hennedricks movie.

What categories does the La famille Hennedricks movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Family, Comedy.

When was La famille Hennedricks released?

The movie was released on 2024-06-26.

How long is the La famille Hennedricks movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the La famille Hennedricks movie?

The screenplay was written by .