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La libertad de fierro Movie

La libertad de fierro

La libertad de fierro is a thrilling Documentary film directed by Santiago Esteinou. This captivating story, produced by EFICINE 189, Fomento al Cine Mexicano (FOCINE), released on 2024-09-10 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

La libertad de fierro Movie Details

Movie Name La libertad de fierro
Release Date 2024-09-10
Language Spanish
Country Canada, Greece, Mexico
Genres Documentary
Director Santiago Esteinou
Producer Javier Campos López, Axel Pedraza, José Miguel Díaz Salinas, Santiago Esteinou
Editor Javier Campos López
Cinematographer Axel Pedraza
Production Company EFICINE 189, Fomento al Cine Mexicano (FOCINE)
Rating 7.1 out of 10 (138 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have César Fierro as Self.


After 40 years of wrongful imprisonment on death row, César is finally released and must rebuild his life. Having spent nearly his entire life in the Polunsky Unit, a prison known for its extreme isolation, he arrives in Mexico ready to embark on a journey of healing. Confronted with his own limitations and the challenges of a new beginning, César is resolute in his quest to discover what true freedom means.


La libertad de fierro


Who directed the La libertad de fierro movie?

Santiago Esteinou directed the La libertad de fierro movie.

What categories does the La libertad de fierro movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Documentary.

When was La libertad de fierro released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-10.

How long is the La libertad de fierro movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the La libertad de fierro movie?

The screenplay was written by .