Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

La Raya Movie

La Raya

La Raya is a thrilling Drama, Mystery film directed by Yolanda Cruz. This captivating story, produced by Petate Films, Fomento al Cine Mexicano (FOCINE), ECAMC, released on 2024-10-20 with a runtime of 1 hours and 25 minutes.

La Raya Movie Details

Movie Name La Raya
Release Date 2024-10-20
Language Spanish
Country Mexico
Genres Drama, Mystery
Director Yolanda Cruz
Producer Yolanda Cruz, Israel Gutiérrez, Norma Santiago, Christine Dávila
Editor Yolanda Cruz, Joe Sieder
Production Company Petate Films, Fomento al Cine Mexicano (FOCINE), ECAMC
Rating 6.8 out of 10 (200 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Mónica del Carmen as Unknown Character, José Salof as Unknown Character, Diana Baltazar as Unknown Character, Noé Peña as Unknown Character, Alejandro Baltazar as Unknown Character, Domitila Baltazar as Unknown Character, Noé Salvador Vásquez as Unknown Character.


In the almost deserted town of La Raya, a mysterious refrigerator appears out of nowhere. Sotera Santos and her friend Eric see an opportunity to make a fortune by selling it. However, the fridge soon starts unveiling strange and enigmatic phenomena to those who approach it. As Sotera grapples with these unsettling occurrences, she must also face the painful reality that her mother might not return to take her to the United States, and that perhaps her departure from La Raya is not yet meant to be.


Who directed the La Raya movie?

Yolanda Cruz directed the La Raya movie.

What categories does the La Raya movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Mystery.

When was La Raya released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-20.

How long is the La Raya movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 25 minutes.

Who wrote the La Raya movie?

The screenplay was written by .