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Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut Movie

Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut

Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut is a thrilling Comedy film directed by Matt Kubas. This captivating story, produced by Comedy Dynamics, released on 2024-01-30 with a runtime of 1 hours and 1 minutes.

Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut Movie Details

Movie Name Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut
Release Date 2024-01-30
Genres Comedy
Director Matt Kubas
Writer Laurie Kilmartin
Production Company Comedy Dynamics
Rating 7.4 out of 10 (161 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have .


Stand-up comic and long-time Conan writer Laurie Kilmartin jokes about single motherhood, the abortion gag that got her doxxed by MAGA, losing her own mom to COVID, and why trans women are cis women's best allies.

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Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut


Who directed the Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut movie?

Matt Kubas directed the Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut movie.

What categories does the Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Comedy.

When was Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-30.

How long is the Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 1 minutes.

Who wrote the Laurie Kilmartin: Cis Woke Grief Slut movie?

The screenplay was written by Laurie Kilmartin.