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Le Molière imaginaire Movie

Le Molière imaginaire

Le Molière imaginaire is a thrilling Drama, History, Comedy film directed by Olivier Py. This captivating story, produced by Atelier de Production, released on 2024-02-14 with a runtime of 1 hours and 34 minutes.

Le Molière imaginaire Movie Details

Movie Name Le Molière imaginaire
Release Date 2024-02-14
Language French
Country France
Genres Drama, History, Comedy
Director Olivier Py
Producer Thomas Verhaeghe, Mathieu Verhaeghe
Editor Lise Beaulieu
Cinematographer Luc Pagès
Production Company Atelier de Production
Rating 5.1 out of 10 (172 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Laurent Lafitte as Molière, Stacy Martin as Armande Béjart, Jeanne Balibar as Madeleine Béjart, Olivier Py as Marquis de Roffignac, Judith Magre as Marquise de Rohan, Dominique Frot as Marquise d’Aiguillon, Catherine Lachens as Marquise de Sablé, Bertrand de Roffignac as Michel Baron, Gray Orsatelli as Le Duc de Bellegarde, Emilien Diard-Detoeuf as La Grange, Jean-Damien Barbin as Chapelle.


Royal Palace Theatre, Paris . February 17th 1673, the King’s theatre group is playing « Le Malade Imaginaire » when Moliere started spitting blood, but he takes the decision to keep playing until the end. During his agony, he let enter in the theatre all the elements and ghost who made his life. Starting a fight to preserve his dignity, he plan to transfigure his death in a last laugh instrument.

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Le Molière imaginaire


Who directed the Le Molière imaginaire movie?

Olivier Py directed the Le Molière imaginaire movie.

What categories does the Le Molière imaginaire movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, History, Comedy.

When was Le Molière imaginaire released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-14.

How long is the Le Molière imaginaire movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 34 minutes.

Who wrote the Le Molière imaginaire movie?

The screenplay was written by .