Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Lee Movie


Lee is a thrilling Drama, History, War film directed by Ellen Kuras. This captivating story, produced by RocketScience, Juggle Productions, Brouhaha Entertainment, Sky Original Productions, Hopscotch Films, Vogue Films (GB), MS Partecipations S.A., Hantz Motion Pictures, Pasaca Entertainment, Vogue Studios, 55 Films, released on 2024-09-12 with a runtime of 1 hours and 57 minutes.

Lee Movie Details

Movie Name Lee
Release Date 2024-09-12
Language English, French
Country United Kingdom, United States of America
Genres Drama, History, War
Director Ellen Kuras
Producer Kate Winslet, Andrew Mason, Troy Lum, Finola Dwyer
Editor Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
Cinematographer Paweł Edelman
Production Company RocketScience, Juggle Productions, Brouhaha Entertainment, Sky Original Productions, Hopscotch Films, Vogue Films (GB), MS Partecipations S.A., Hantz Motion Pictures, Pasaca Entertainment, Vogue Studios, 55 Films
Rating 6.9 out of 10 (150 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Kate Winslet as Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, Josh O'Connor as Antony Penrose, Alexander Skarsgård as Roland Penrose, Andy Samberg as David E. Scherman, Andrea Riseborough as Audrey Withers, Marion Cotillard as Solange D'Ayen, Enrique Arce as Pablo Picasso, Noémie Merlant as Nusch Eluard, Arinzé Kene as Major Jonesy, Vincent Colombe as Paul Eluard, Patrick Mille as Jean D’Ayen, Samuel Barnett as Cecil Beaton, Zita Hanrot as Ady Fidelin, Ian Dunnett Jnr as PR Officer Raymond Hollman, Harriet Leitch as Ann Douglas, James Murray as Colonel Spencer, Sean Duggan as Man Ray, Riley Neldam as Kurt, Katalin Ruzsik as Nurse.


The true story of photographer Elizabeth 'Lee' Miller, a fashion model who became an acclaimed war correspondent for Vogue magazine during World War II.

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Who directed the Lee movie?

Ellen Kuras directed the Lee movie.

What categories does the Lee movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, History, War.

When was Lee released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-12.

How long is the Lee movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 57 minutes.

Who wrote the Lee movie?

The screenplay was written by .