Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

L’Empire Movie


L’Empire is a thrilling Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction film directed by Bruno Dumont. This captivating story, produced by Tessalit Productions, Red Balloon Film, Ascent Film, Novak Prod, Rosa Filmes, Furyo Films, released on 2024-02-21 with a runtime of 1 hours and 50 minutes.

L’Empire Movie Details

Movie Name L’Empire
Release Date 2024-02-21
Language French
Country Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal
Genres Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction
Director Bruno Dumont
Writer Bruno Dumont
Producer Rachid Bouchareb, Jean Bréhat, Muriel Merlin, Andrea Paris
Editor Bruno Dumont
Cinematographer David Chambille
Production Company Tessalit Productions, Red Balloon Film, Ascent Film, Novak Prod, Rosa Filmes, Furyo Films
Rating 5.1 out of 10 (151 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Brandon Vlieghe as Jony, Anamaria Vartolomei as Jane, Lyna Khoudri as Line, Camille Cottin as La Reine, Fabrice Luchini as Belzébuth, Julien Manier as Rudy, Bernard Pruvost as Van der Weyden, Philippe Jore as Carpentier, Annie Tardivon as Mère de Jony, Marie Vasez as Lou, Cédric Fortin as Roland Deroo, Annick Lefevre as Gisèle, mère de Rudy, Tony Devanne as Ami Rudy #1 éberlué, Giovanny Dupetit as Ami Rudy #2 (en larmes), Giovanni Boutillier as Ami Rudy #3 (malin), Olivier Delattaignant as Gros baigneur décapité, Bruno Darras as Gendarme #1, Gino Evrard as Gendarme #2, Annick Bultel as Dame course Deroo, Natacha Oliviera Da Costa as Journaliste.


The Opal Coast, northern France. In a quiet and picturesque fishing village, something finally happens: a special baby is born. A child so unique and peculiar that it unleashes a secret war between extraterrestrial forces of good and evil.

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Who directed the L’Empire movie?

Bruno Dumont directed the L’Empire movie.

What categories does the L’Empire movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy, Science Fiction.

When was L’Empire released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-21.

How long is the L’Empire movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 50 minutes.

Who wrote the L’Empire movie?

The screenplay was written by Bruno Dumont.