Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Little Death Movie

Little Death

Little Death is a thrilling Drama, Crime, Comedy film directed by Jack Begert. This captivating story, produced by Protozoa Pictures, AC Films, Psycho Films, released on 2024-01-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 49 minutes.

Little Death Movie Details

Movie Name Little Death
Release Date 2024-01-19
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Crime, Comedy
Director Jack Begert
Writer Jack Begert, Dani Goffstein
Producer Dylan Golden, Sam Canter, Andy Cohen, Noor Alfallah, Darren Aronofsky, Brendan Naylor
Editor Jake Torchin
Cinematographer Christopher Ripley
Production Company Protozoa Pictures, AC Films, Psycho Films
Rating 10 out of 10 (106 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have David Schwimmer as Martin Solomon, Gaby Hoffmann as Martin 2.0, Talia Ryder as Karla, Dominic Fike as AJ, Jena Malone as Jessica Klein, Angela Sarafyan as The Woman, Sante Bentivoglio as Greg, Karl Glusman as Grady, Fred Melamed as Augustus, Travis "Taco" Bennett as Brian, Deb Never as Rickey, Chase Sui Wonders as Tilly, Seth Green as David, Ben Feldman as Jayson, Lauren Weedman as Lynette, Maya Kazan as Stella, Chuck McCollum as Pretenious Man, Laura Gardner as Pretenious Woman, Carina Conti as Marie, Steven Hack as Dr. Atkins, Roy Abramsohn as George, Caitlin Reilly as Suzanne, Archana Rajan as Rebecca, E.J. Callahan as Demented Old Man, Cissy Wellman as Joy, Anosh McAdam as Jake, Noel Elgrably as Julio, David Ury as Petey, Sonia Balcazar as Female Pharmacist, George Tsai as Ronny, Bernadette Guckin as Gas Station Clerk, Spenser Granese as Trip, Ryder McLaughlin as Cam, Derrius Logan as Kalik, May Daniels as Cassandra, Serafin Falcon as Dude, Juan Magana as Solo Cup, Mark Sipka as MC, Gino Vento as Platypus, Michael G. Martinez as Frankie, Andy Cohen as Noel, Bernadette Speakes as Nurse, Fahim Anwar as The Switch - Man, Stephanie Koenig as The Switch - Woman.


A middle-aged filmmaker on the verge of a breakthrough. Two kids in search of a lost backpack. A small dog a long way from home.


Little Death


Who directed the Little Death movie?

Jack Begert directed the Little Death movie.

What categories does the Little Death movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Crime, Comedy.

When was Little Death released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-19.

How long is the Little Death movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 49 minutes.

Who wrote the Little Death movie?

The screenplay was written by Jack Begert, Dani Goffstein.