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Lonely Planet Movie

Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Susannah Grant. This captivating story, produced by 3dot Productions, released on 2024-10-10 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Lonely Planet Movie Details

Movie Name Lonely Planet
Release Date 2024-10-10
Language English
Country United States of America
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Susannah Grant
Writer Susannah Grant
Producer Susannah Grant, Sarah Timberman, Liza Chasin
Editor Kevin Tent
Cinematographer Ben Smithard
Production Company 3dot Productions
Rating 6.009 out of 10 (117 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Laura Dern as Katherine Loewe, Liam Hemsworth as Owen Brophy, Diana Silvers as Lily Kemp, Bellina Logan as Patricia, Sami Fekkak as Hamid, Gustav Dyekjær Giese as Gunnar Norgaard, Rachida Brakni as Fatema Benzakour, Younès Boucif as Rafih Abdo, Francesco Martino as Luca, Ben Youcef as Beverage Cart Salesman, Quintin Mims as Sebastian, Adriano Giannini as Ugo Jaconelli, Shosha Goren as Ada Dohan, Heeba Shah as Jesminder Malik, Jean-Erns Marie-Louise as Fabien Durosier, Michelle Greenidge as Philippa Guscott, Guo Tao as Peng Zhao, Muhammad Abdullah Arabi as Deepak, Yahya Et Tonia as Aziz, Naoufal Sabri as Sisi, Halima Ouhamou as Aziz's Grandmother, Mohamed Askoura as Aziz's Grandfather, Abdelmalek Sadok as Aziz's Nephew, Rita Moak as Aziz's Niece, Sundra Oakley as Interviewer, My Youssef El Kamili as Atlas Road Shepherd, Jamal Rhoudjami as Marrakech Medina Vendor, Jbilou Mohamed as Marrakech Medina Vendor, Redouane Quarfi as Marrakech Medina Vendor, Mohamed Moustaid as Marrakech Medina Vendor, Said Aarif as Chefchaouen Waiter, Fatima Al Bahzah as Chefchaouen Shopkeeper, Arthur Clark as Taylor, Herbert Russell as Will, Nadia Kazar as Rosario.


At an idyllic writers retreat in Morocco, a newly single novelist finds an unexpected connection with a younger man who's reevaluating his life choices.

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Lonely Planet


Who directed the Lonely Planet movie?

Susannah Grant directed the Lonely Planet movie.

What categories does the Lonely Planet movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Lonely Planet released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-10.

How long is the Lonely Planet movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the Lonely Planet movie?

The screenplay was written by Susannah Grant.