Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Mafia Wars Movie

Mafia Wars

Mafia Wars is a thrilling Crime, Thriller, Action film directed by Scott Windhauser. This captivating story, produced by The Motus Studios, Umbrella Entertainment, released on 2024-10-11 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Mafia Wars Movie Details

Movie Name Mafia Wars
Release Date 2024-10-11
Language English
Genres Crime, Thriller, Action
Director Scott Windhauser
Writer Scott Windhauser
Production Company The Motus Studios, Umbrella Entertainment
Rating 9 out of 10 (174 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Tom Welling as Terry, Cam Gigandet as Griff, Chris Mullinax as Lombardi, Cher Cosenza as Spinx, Desiree Hall as Robbie, Luca Malacrino as Matteo, Alessia Alciati as Allegra, Ludovica Frasca as Isabella, Al Linea as Rossi, Sidhartha Mallya as Mangal, Brice Martinet as G.money, Anis Gharbi as Marco, Sherrod Taylor as Jovani, Sterling Griffith as Jack, Davide Cincis as Commander Abruzzo, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Jailer, Marco Golinucci as Rinaldo, Simone Pezzotti as Criminale, Luigi Piccolo as BodyGuard, Porsha Cosenza as Baby Gina, Ian Norred as Detective.


An ex-con gets released early from prison only to be forced into an undercover unit of six men and on his first day the other five are all killed. Now he must face the men who he was tasked to spy on.

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Mafia Wars


Who directed the Mafia Wars movie?

Scott Windhauser directed the Mafia Wars movie.

What categories does the Mafia Wars movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Thriller, Action.

When was Mafia Wars released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-11.

How long is the Mafia Wars movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the Mafia Wars movie?

The screenplay was written by Scott Windhauser.