Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Maid to Kill Movie

Maid to Kill

Maid to Kill is a thrilling Thriller, Mystery, Comedy film directed by Connor N. F. Field, Pranav Krishnan. This captivating story, produced by Creative Sea Productions, Etterath Production, released on 2024-11-22 with a runtime of 1 hours and 31 minutes.

Maid to Kill Movie Details

Movie Name Maid to Kill
Release Date 2024-11-22
Country United States of America
Genres Thriller, Mystery, Comedy
Director Connor N. F. Field, Pranav Krishnan
Writer Pranav Krishnan, Connor N. F. Field
Producer Connor N. F. Field, Pranav Krishnan
Editor Connor N. F. Field
Cinematographer Connor N. F. Field
Production Company Creative Sea Productions, Etterath Production
Rating 6.7 out of 10 (109 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Grayson Buehler as Detective Decade Lieutenant, Emilio Nagel as Officer Hughie Crusade IV, Lauren Dziuk as Police Chief, Jonathan Mendes as Forensics Guy, Poojitha Sajja as Detective #1, Uncredited as President Isaac Newton, Stephanie Barman as Officer #2, Gabriel Gonzales as Victim #3, Aaryaman Mummadavarapu as President Albert Einstein, Maddison Schwentner as Amy, Lena Le as Cashier, Sam Paull as Victim #2, Samuel Rojero as Isaac Newton, Everett Gay as Captain Century Lieutenant, Róisin Alexis as Intern, Lily Rizzo as Mrs. Lieutenant, Carlo Dal Colletto as The Mormon Guy, Joon Cho as Victim #1, Evan Martinez as (Extra), Star Wei as (Extra).


Detective Decade Lieutenant and his partner, Officer Hughie Crusade IV, race against the clock to unravel the mysterious and unorthodox antics of The Maid-to-Kill, a methodical serial killer with a strange obsession with… cleaning.

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Maid to Kill


Who directed the Maid to Kill movie?

Connor N. F. Field, Pranav Krishnan directed the Maid to Kill movie.

What categories does the Maid to Kill movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller, Mystery, Comedy.

When was Maid to Kill released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-22.

How long is the Maid to Kill movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 31 minutes.

Who wrote the Maid to Kill movie?

The screenplay was written by Pranav Krishnan, Connor N. F. Field.