Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Mambar Pierrette Movie

Mambar Pierrette

Mambar Pierrette is a thrilling Drama film directed by Rosine Mbakam. This captivating story, produced by Tândor Productions, RTBF, TV5MONDE, released on 2024-01-31 with a runtime of 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Mambar Pierrette Movie Details

Movie Name Mambar Pierrette
Release Date 2024-01-31
Language French
Country Belgium, Cameroon, France
Genres Drama
Director Rosine Mbakam
Writer Rosine Mbakam
Editor Geoffroy Cernaix
Cinematographer Fiona Braillon
Production Company Tândor Productions, RTBF, TV5MONDE
Rating 5.1 out of 10 (172 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Pierrette Aboheu as Pierrette Mambar, Karelle Kenmogne as Karelle, Cécile Tchana as Mabreuh, Fabrice Ndjeuthat as Alphonse.


The city of Douala is in trepidation for the start of the new school year. A long line of customers come to Mambar Pierrette, the neighbourhood dressmaker, to have their clothes ready for imminent social events and ceremonies. More than just a sewer, Pierrette becomes the confidant of her customers, of a generation. But when the rain starts pouring down and threaten to flood her workshop – one of several successive misfortunes – Pierrette will have to stay afloat.

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Mambar Pierrette


Who directed the Mambar Pierrette movie?

Rosine Mbakam directed the Mambar Pierrette movie.

What categories does the Mambar Pierrette movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Mambar Pierrette released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-31.

How long is the Mambar Pierrette movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 33 minutes.

Who wrote the Mambar Pierrette movie?

The screenplay was written by Rosine Mbakam.