Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action



MARIE is a thrilling Action, Science Fiction film directed by Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey. This captivating story, produced by Bot Jungle Productions, Chaos Theory Media, released on 2024-11-01 with a runtime of 0 hours and 15 minutes.

MARIE Movie Details

Movie Name MARIE
Release Date 2024-11-01
Country United States of America
Genres Action, Science Fiction
Director Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey
Writer Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey, Kathleen Grotzinger
Producer Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey, Zack Hosseini, Rayce Lopez, Danny DiTorrice, Aidan Kalisher, Morgan Rutter
Editor JJ Pollack, Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey
Cinematographer Luke Sargent
Production Company Bot Jungle Productions, Chaos Theory Media
Rating 5.7 out of 10 (116 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Sydney Miles as Marie / Fantasy Marie, Rayce Lopez as Ezekiel, Helen Day as Marie's Mom, Danny DiTorrice as Cartoon 'Bobby' (voice), Paul Walter Dempsey as Marie's Dad (Photos).


Invaders from another world roam the skies of an apocalyptic wasteland. Ezekiel, a young Amish man, survives alone - until he comes across a biomechanically enhanced woman named Marie.

Watch the Trailer




Who directed the MARIE movie?

Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey directed the MARIE movie.

What categories does the MARIE movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Action, Science Fiction.

When was MARIE released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-01.

How long is the MARIE movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 15 minutes.

Who wrote the MARIE movie?

The screenplay was written by Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey, Kathleen Grotzinger.