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Matilda en Matthys Movie

Matilda en Matthys

Matilda en Matthys is a thrilling Romance, Comedy film directed by Bibi Slippers. This captivating story, produced by The Film Factory, released on 2024-02-14 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Matilda en Matthys Movie Details

Movie Name Matilda en Matthys
Release Date 2024-02-14
Language Afrikaans
Genres Romance, Comedy
Director Bibi Slippers
Writer Bibi Slippers
Producer Danie Bester
Editor Regardt Visser
Production Company The Film Factory
Rating 6.1 out of 10 (151 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Emma van Heyn as Matilda, Adrian Steyn as Matthys, Bertha le Roux-Wahl as Mireille, Stephanie Baartman as Rozi, Reginald Hufkie as Barry, Ruan Wessels as Andries, Augusta Zietsman as Sasha, Elsabe Zietsman as Prof Winterbach, Pietie Beyers as Daniel.


Matilda en Matthys is an off-beat romcom about a generation's fear of commitment and suspicion of romance, and how love always knows best, in the end.

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Who directed the Matilda en Matthys movie?

Bibi Slippers directed the Matilda en Matthys movie.

What categories does the Matilda en Matthys movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Romance, Comedy.

When was Matilda en Matthys released?

The movie was released on 2024-02-14.

How long is the Matilda en Matthys movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the Matilda en Matthys movie?

The screenplay was written by Bibi Slippers.