Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Metamorphosis Movie


Metamorphosis is a thrilling Animation, Documentary film directed by Michele Fasano. This captivating story, produced by SATTVA FILMS Production, released on 2024-05-16 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Metamorphosis Movie Details

Movie Name Metamorphosis
Release Date 2024-05-16
Language Italian
Country Italy
Genres Animation, Documentary
Director Michele Fasano
Producer Michele Fasano
Production Company SATTVA FILMS Production
Rating 8 out of 10 (135 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Massimo Antonio Rossi as Narratore (voice), Lucia Gadolini as Upupa (voice) / Colibrì (voice), Katia Sorrentino as Pavone (voice) / Monika (voice), Riccardo Sarti as Uccello collo torto (voice) / Abdurrahman (voice), Filippo Plancher as Fenicottero (voice) / Jihad (voice), Elena Berto as Cigno (voice) / Susan (voice), Alberto Alderani as Tucano (voice), Lucia Gadolini as Uccello pazzo dell'albero (voice), Stefano Cutaia as Uccelli pazzi in volo (voice), Daniela Lombardi as Formica (voice), Francesca Consalvi as Volpe (voice) / Ragazza del giardino (voice), Marco Musso as Papagallo (voice).


Inspired by «The Conference of the Birds» by Farid al-Din 'Attar, an 18th century Persian poem, the film tells of a flock of birds that travel following a hoopoe, towards the Mountain of Kafh, home of King Simourgh, from whom they expect to receive the answers to all their questions. Between dream and reality, the birds will cross the 7 valleys.




Who directed the Metamorphosis movie?

Michele Fasano directed the Metamorphosis movie.

What categories does the Metamorphosis movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation, Documentary.

When was Metamorphosis released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-16.

How long is the Metamorphosis movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Metamorphosis movie?

The screenplay was written by .