Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Midnight Taxi Movie

Midnight Taxi

Midnight Taxi is a thrilling Thriller, Mystery film directed by Samantha Speirs, Bertie Speirs. This captivating story, produced by Little Nipper Productions, released on 2024-05-24 with a runtime of 1 hours and 37 minutes.

Midnight Taxi Movie Details

Movie Name Midnight Taxi
Release Date 2024-05-24
Language English
Country United Kingdom
Genres Thriller, Mystery
Director Samantha Speirs, Bertie Speirs
Writer Samantha Speirs, Bertie Speirs
Producer Bertie Speirs, Samantha Speirs
Editor Bertie Speirs
Cinematographer Bertie Speirs
Production Company Little Nipper Productions
Rating 10 out of 10 (144 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ladi Emeruwa as Eddie, Charlotte Price as Rachel, Eddie Eyre as Trevor, Nathan Turner as Detective Donovan, Amerjit Deu as Adam Blomfield, Tom Gordon as Mark Hopkins, Miki Davis as Karli, Stephanie de Whalley as American Woman Passenger, Esme Pellegrini as Amira, Jamie B. Chambers as Liam, Laura Fitzpatrick as Dr. Fairchild, Isabella Mimi Storm as Felicity, Scarlett Mellish Wilson as Young Woman.


Waking to find himself alone with a murdered woman, Eddie Carter - a night shift cab driver with a worrying history of sleepwalking - sets out to discover the killer, desperately hoping it isn't him. His investigation takes him deep into London's seedy night-time underworld.

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Who directed the Midnight Taxi movie?

Samantha Speirs, Bertie Speirs directed the Midnight Taxi movie.

What categories does the Midnight Taxi movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller, Mystery.

When was Midnight Taxi released?

The movie was released on 2024-05-24.

How long is the Midnight Taxi movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 37 minutes.

Who wrote the Midnight Taxi movie?

The screenplay was written by Samantha Speirs, Bertie Speirs.