Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

MIKI Movie


MIKI is a thrilling Thriller film directed by Jakub Kroner. This captivating story, produced by Regia Civitas Productions, released on 2024-08-15 with a runtime of 1 hours and 46 minutes.

MIKI Movie Details

Movie Name MIKI
Release Date 2024-08-15
Language Slovak
Country Slovakia
Genres Thriller
Director Jakub Kroner
Writer Erik Ivančík
Editor Michal Kondrla
Production Company Regia Civitas Productions
Rating 4 out of 10 (129 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Milan Ondrík as Mikuláš Černák, Dušan Cinkota as Miloš Kaštan, Gregor Hološka as Ján Kán, Rebeka Poláková as Mikiho manželka, Anna Javorková as Mikiho mama, Michal Kubovčík as Vladimír Černák, Martin Nahálka as Martin Laboš, Marek Fučo Fučík as Unknown Character, Petra Vajdová as Mikiho švagrová, Soňa Norisová as Vlčkova manželka, Matěj Hádek as Unknown Character, Juraj Loj as Unknown Character, Lukáš Latinák as Miroslav Vlček.


In the 1990s post-communist Slovakia, former woods worker Miki takes his chances to start doing business at a local level and climb up the ladder to become the biggest mafia boss in the country.




Who directed the MIKI movie?

Jakub Kroner directed the MIKI movie.

What categories does the MIKI movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Thriller.

When was MIKI released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-15.

How long is the MIKI movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Who wrote the MIKI movie?

The screenplay was written by Erik Ivančík.