Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Misantropia Movie


Misantropia is a thrilling Drama film directed by L. Cinema. This captivating story, produced by West End Filmes, released on 2024-04-17 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Misantropia Movie Details

Movie Name Misantropia
Release Date 2024-04-17
Language Portuguese
Genres Drama
Director L. Cinema
Writer L. Cinema
Producer Lucas Nakamura, Pedro Miyoshi, Isabela Lachi, L. Cinema
Production Company West End Filmes
Rating 5.8 out of 10 (176 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Isabela Lachi as Lara, Guilherme Freire as Jacques, Eduarda Caroline as Maria Clara, Luana Saito as Pamella, João Vinicius Gutierre as Lúcio.


A young woman surrounded by loved ones notices a drastic change in herself after a tragic event.




Who directed the Misantropia movie?

L. Cinema directed the Misantropia movie.

What categories does the Misantropia movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Misantropia released?

The movie was released on 2024-04-17.

How long is the Misantropia movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Misantropia movie?

The screenplay was written by L. Cinema.