Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

MJ Movie


MJ is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Giorgos Fourtounis. This captivating story, produced by Blackbird Productions, Felony Productions, Pan Entertainment, Authorwave, Greek Film Centre, EPT, Onassis Culture, released on 2024-09-05 with a runtime of 0 hours and 27 minutes.

MJ Movie Details

Movie Name MJ
Release Date 2024-09-05
Language Greek
Country Greece
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Giorgos Fourtounis
Producer Giorgos Fourtounis, Eleni Kossyfidou
Editor Giorgos Zafeiris
Cinematographer Yiorgos Koutsaliaris
Production Company Blackbird Productions, Felony Productions, Pan Entertainment, Authorwave, Greek Film Centre, EPT, Onassis Culture
Rating 6 out of 10 (180 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Julio Katsis as MJ, Evi Saoulidou as Despina, Tonia Sotiropoulou as Leyla, Vanessa Otilia as Roxanna, Maria Koumara as Mary, Paraskevi Dourouklaki as Liza, Argyris Pandazaras as TV Host, Panayiota Yiagli as Minnie, Yiorgos Triantafyllidis as Olethros, Nikos Zeginoglou as Kissa.


Michalis or MJ is obsessed with fame, wealth and Michael Jordan. He is a trap rapper. "I am destined for greatness! I am already Number One! But why don't they love me?"


Who directed the MJ movie?

Giorgos Fourtounis directed the MJ movie.

What categories does the MJ movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was MJ released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-05.

How long is the MJ movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 27 minutes.

Who wrote the MJ movie?

The screenplay was written by .