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My Annoying Brother Movie

My Annoying Brother

My Annoying Brother is a thrilling Drama, Comedy film directed by Dinna Jasanti. This captivating story, produced by LifeLike Pictures, BASE Entertainment, CJ Entertainment, Legacy Pictures, Role Entertainment, Role Pictures, released on 2024-10-24 with a runtime of 1 hours and 54 minutes.

My Annoying Brother Movie Details

Movie Name My Annoying Brother
Release Date 2024-10-24
Language Indonesian
Country Indonesia, South Korea
Genres Drama, Comedy
Director Dinna Jasanti
Writer Deliesza Tamara, Sheila Timothy, Tumpal Tampubolon
Producer Sheila Timothy, Aoura Lovenson Chandra, Justin Kim
Editor Umar Syarif
Cinematographer Tri Adi Prasetyo
Production Company LifeLike Pictures, BASE Entertainment, CJ Entertainment, Legacy Pictures, Role Entertainment, Role Pictures
Rating 7.5 out of 10 (102 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Vino G. Bastian as Jaya Solihin, Angga Yunanda as Kemal Solihin, Caitlin Halderman as Amanda, Kristo Immanuel as Fauzan, Marsha Timothy as Cik Riyana, Fariz Alfarazi as Pemilik Toko Barang Antik, Andini Effendi as Komentator, Macho Hungan as Ahmad Maloumad, Yogi Indra Prasetyo as Ted Nguyen, Askari Danish Zharvi as Kemal Kecil, Jared Ali as Jaya Kecil, Delon Mercy as Kemal Remaja, Quentin Stanislavski as Jaya Remaja, Puty Sjahrul as Ibu Kemal & Jaya, Julius Hermanus as Wasit Asian Grand Para Games, Radja Simatoepang as Wasit Asian Grand Championship, Fahmi Agelan as Orang Kaya, Mardi Sulaiman as Pengawal, Sapta C. Saputra as Wisnu (Petugas Pembebasan Bersyarat), Tatang Rasini as Sonya (Petugas Pembebasan Bersyarat), Aldin Pratama as Penjual Sepeda Motor, Anty Indah as Wanita Klub Malam, Roy Wenas as Polisi Pria, Rasini as Polisi Wanita, Sayoga as Pria Berpakaian Mewah, Amara Lovegna as Wanita Muda, Mpok Pipit as Nyonya Tua/Tetangga, Vincent Martin as Lawan Kualifikasi, Perry Pantouw as Wasit Kualifikasi, Rafly Arvinda as Lawan Tanding, Fajar Albi as Kembaran Fauzan, Wirman Simago as Engkong (Penjaga Kandang), Swandi Hutabarat as Perawat Ruang Gawat Darurat, Ujang Ilham as Perawat Ruang Gawat Darurat, Doni Welli Parulian as Keamanan Ruang Gawat Darurat, Dimar Hanafiah as Dokter Spesialis Onkologi, Hanas Davianto as Pelatih Jerry, Sandi Tarhedi as Ayah Kemal & Jaya, Neysa Ananda as Kasir BPJS.


Kemal and Jaya's brotherhood which is full of intrigue. Kemal is a judo athlete who experienced an incident and ended up unable to see. Kemal then continues to prepare to become an athlete and will take part in the Paralympics. Kemal and Jaya's sibling relationship, which was initially not close, has become increasingly warm.

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My Annoying Brother


Who directed the My Annoying Brother movie?

Dinna Jasanti directed the My Annoying Brother movie.

What categories does the My Annoying Brother movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Comedy.

When was My Annoying Brother released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-24.

How long is the My Annoying Brother movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 54 minutes.

Who wrote the My Annoying Brother movie?

The screenplay was written by Deliesza Tamara, Sheila Timothy, Tumpal Tampubolon.