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My Penguin Friend Movie

My Penguin Friend

My Penguin Friend is a thrilling Drama, Adventure, Family film directed by David Schurmann. This captivating story, produced by City Hill Arts, Content Studios, Schurmann Filmes, Sur-Film, Ventre Studio, released on 2024-08-07 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

My Penguin Friend Movie Details

Movie Name My Penguin Friend
Release Date 2024-08-07
Language English
Country Brazil, United States of America
Genres Drama, Adventure, Family
Director David Schurmann
Writer Kristen Lazarian, Paulina Lagudi
Producer Jonathan E. Lim, Robin Jonas, Patrick Ewald, Shaked Berenson, Nicolas Veinberg, Steven P. Wegner, Andreas Wentz
Editor Teresa Font
Cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle
Production Company City Hill Arts, Content Studios, Schurmann Filmes, Sur-Film, Ventre Studio
Rating 7.7 out of 10 (180 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Jean Reno as Joao, Adriana Barraza as Maria, Nicolás Francella as Carlos, Alexia Moyano as Adriana, Rocío Hernández as Stephanie, Ravel Cabral as Paulo, Pedro Caetano as Young Oscar, Amanda Magalhães as Young Maria, Juan Queiroz as Pedro, Wilson Rabelo as Marcos, Rafael Pimenta as Young Luis, José Trassi as Tito, Roberto Borenstein as Luis, Maurício Xavier as Oscar, Ellen Campanhão as Young Villager, Thalma de Freitas as Calista, Pedro Urizzi as Young João.


A lost penguin rescued from an oil spill transforms the life of a heartbroken fisherman. They become unlikely friends, so bonded that even the vast ocean cannot divide them.

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My Penguin Friend


Who directed the My Penguin Friend movie?

David Schurmann directed the My Penguin Friend movie.

What categories does the My Penguin Friend movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Adventure, Family.

When was My Penguin Friend released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-07.

How long is the My Penguin Friend movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the My Penguin Friend movie?

The screenplay was written by Kristen Lazarian, Paulina Lagudi.