Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Napolitain Movie


Napolitain is a thrilling Drama, Horror, Comedy film directed by Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland. This captivating story, produced by Deux Quiches Productions, released on 2024-10-22 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Napolitain Movie Details

Movie Name Napolitain
Release Date 2024-10-22
Language French
Country Canada
Genres Drama, Horror, Comedy
Director Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland
Writer Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland
Producer Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland
Editor Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland
Production Company Deux Quiches Productions
Rating 6.7 out of 10 (167 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Roméo Beaulieu as Le gars, Théo Rolland-Apergis as Personnage, Olivier Chamberland as Olivier/Ami 2, Jean Letarte as Papa, Jacobo Angel Miranda as L'étranger, Anna Gaudette-Reizes as Amie, Léonie Potvin as Chantale, Emilio Munch as Emilio/Ami 3, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau as Laurent/Pousseur, Antoine Turcotte as Policier 1/Serveur, Joshua Juteau-Sénat as Policier 2, Élie Lespérance as Présentateur, Rose Pinard as Inconnue, Éli Turmel as Client triste, Sofia Damoiseau as Cliente 1 / Joueuse 1, Lou Deva Jacome Soucy as Cliente 2 / Joueuse 4, Jules Dallaire Noël as Ami 1, Ludivine Carrier-Delobel as Fumeuse 1, Sasha Massicotte as Fumeuse 2, Paul Blain-Tremblay as Agresseur 1, Orféas Papageorgiou as Agresseur 2, Marie-France Lapierre as Parent / Réceptionniste, Edmond Guérard as La bouche, Laura Guité as La bouche (voix), Gaëtan Laurendeau as Vendeur 1, Sébastien Falardeau as Vendeur 2, Alain Lamarre as Vendeur 3, Olivier Tardif as Régimbald, Delphine Dufour as Joueuse 2, Mya Thomas as Joueuse 3, Frédéric Lambert as Voix (voix).





Who directed the Napolitain movie?

Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland directed the Napolitain movie.

What categories does the Napolitain movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Horror, Comedy.

When was Napolitain released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-22.

How long is the Napolitain movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Napolitain movie?

The screenplay was written by Emilio Munch, Laurent Dugas-Lebeau, Olivier Chamberland.