Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Nice Girls Movie

Nice Girls

Nice Girls is a thrilling Crime, Action, Comedy film directed by Noémie Saglio. This captivating story, produced by Les Films du Kiosque, Petite Panthère Productions, Boogie Movie, released on 2024-08-20 with a runtime of 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Nice Girls Movie Details

Movie Name Nice Girls
Release Date 2024-08-20
Language French
Country France
Genres Crime, Action, Comedy
Director Noémie Saglio
Writer Philippe Planells, Noémie Saglio, Antoine Dallancour
Production Company Les Films du Kiosque, Petite Panthère Productions, Boogie Movie
Rating 5.325 out of 10 (183 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Alice Taglioni as Léo, Stéfi Celma as Mélanie, Baptiste Lecaplain as Bat', Noémie Lvovsky as Hernandez, Antoine Duléry as Mamich, Benjamin Baroche as César, Jess Liaudin as Bauer, Katrina Durden as Kim, Franz Lang as Valence, Nyko as Benny, Lucien Jean-Baptiste as Cassati, Timothée Vaganay as Militant écologiste.


A maverick cop and a meticulous detective join forces with a charming ex-hacker to solve an officer's disappearance and save Nice from disaster.


Nice Girls


Who directed the Nice Girls movie?

Noémie Saglio directed the Nice Girls movie.

What categories does the Nice Girls movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Crime, Action, Comedy.

When was Nice Girls released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-20.

How long is the Nice Girls movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 32 minutes.

Who wrote the Nice Girls movie?

The screenplay was written by Philippe Planells, Noémie Saglio, Antoine Dallancour.