Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Nome Movie


Nome is a thrilling Drama film directed by Sana Na N'Hada. This captivating story, produced by LX Filmes, Spectre Productions, The Dark, Geba Filmes, Geração 80, released on 2024-03-13 with a runtime of 1 hours and 57 minutes.

Nome Movie Details

Movie Name Nome
Release Date 2024-03-13
Language Portuguese
Country Angola, France, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal
Genres Drama
Director Sana Na N'Hada
Writer Virgílio Almeida, Olivier Marbœuf
Producer Luis Correia, Olivier Marbœuf
Editor Sarah Salem
Cinematographer João Ribeiro
Production Company LX Filmes, Spectre Productions, The Dark, Geba Filmes, Geração 80
Rating 7.2 out of 10 (101 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Marcelino António Ingira as Nome, Binete Undonque as Nambu, Marta Dabo as Unknown Character, Abubacar Banor as Unknown Character, Helena Sanca as Unknown Character, Oksana Isabel as Unknown Character, Paulo Intchama as Unknown Character, Mario Paulo Mendes as Unknown Character, Vladmir Mario Vieira as Unknown Character, Ernesto Nambera as Unknown Character, Riquelme Biga as Unknown Character, Jorge Quintino Biague as Unknown Character.


Guinea-Bissau, 1969. A violent war between the Portuguese colonial army and the guerrillas of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea. Nome leaves his village and joins the maquis. After years, he will return as a hero, but joy will soon give way to bitterness and cynicism.

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Who directed the Nome movie?

Sana Na N'Hada directed the Nome movie.

What categories does the Nome movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama.

When was Nome released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-13.

How long is the Nome movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 57 minutes.

Who wrote the Nome movie?

The screenplay was written by Virgílio Almeida, Olivier Marbœuf.