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Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby Movie

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby is a thrilling film directed by Benoit-Swan Pouffer. This captivating story, produced by North & South Productions, Rambert, released on 2024-01-01 with a runtime of 1 hours and 45 minutes.

Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby Movie Details

Movie Name Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby
Release Date 2024-01-01
Director Benoit-Swan Pouffer
Writer Steven Knight
Production Company North & South Productions, Rambert
Rating 5.4 out of 10 (196 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Benjamin Zephaniah as Narrator.


Written by Peaky Blinders creator Steven Knight, with direction and choreography by Rambert’s artistic director Benoit Swan Pouffer. Opening in the trenches of Flanders, a personal story unfolds in postwar industrial Birmingham as the Shelby family navigate the decisions that determine their fate, and Tommy is intoxicated by mysterious newcomer Grace. While Tommy is building his empire, Grace is operating as an undercover agent for Special Branch on a mission to get close to the heart of Tommy’s gang. As the story unfolds, hearts are broken, and revenge is sought.

Watch the Trailer


Who directed the Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby movie?

Benoit-Swan Pouffer directed the Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby movie.

What categories does the Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of .

When was Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-01.

How long is the Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 45 minutes.

Who wrote the Peaky Blinders: Rambert’s The Redemption of Thomas Shelby movie?

The screenplay was written by Steven Knight.