Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Peat Movie


Peat is a thrilling Fantasy, Comedy film directed by Paudie Baggott. This captivating story, produced by Escape Pod Media, released on 2024-07-13 with a runtime of 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Peat Movie Details

Movie Name Peat
Release Date 2024-07-13
Language English
Country Ireland
Genres Fantasy, Comedy
Director Paudie Baggott
Writer Paudie Baggott
Producer Maggie Ryan
Editor John Walters
Cinematographer Robin Whenary
Production Company Escape Pod Media
Rating 6.2 out of 10 (101 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Andrea Irvine as Anne Byrne, Chris Walley as Petey Byrne, Michael Power as The Golem, Mary McEvoy as Helen.


Anne Byrne, recently widowed, lives with her useless adult son. She’s left juggling housework and the bog, until her witchy neighbour suggests building a Golem. When Anne develops feelings for it, her man-child son tries to destroy it.


Who directed the Peat movie?

Paudie Baggott directed the Peat movie.

What categories does the Peat movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Comedy.

When was Peat released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-13.

How long is the Peat movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 0 minutes.

Who wrote the Peat movie?

The screenplay was written by Paudie Baggott.