Phantasia Movie
Phantasia is a thrilling Drama, Horror, Animation, Documentary film directed by Jorge Moneo Quintana. This captivating story, produced by Kleinen filmak, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, released on 2024-03-13 with a runtime of 0 hours and 5 minutes.
Phantasia Movie Details
Movie Name | Phantasia |
Release Date | 2024-03-13 |
Language | No Language |
Country | Spain |
Genres | Drama, Horror, Animation, Documentary |
Director | Jorge Moneo Quintana |
Writer | |
Producer | |
Editor | Jorge Moneo Quintana |
Cinematographer | |
Production Company | Kleinen filmak, Bilbao Fine Arts Museum |
Rating | 8 out of 10 (158 votes) |
Cast and Characters
In this film, we have .
X-ray images were invented in 1895, the same year in which the Lumière brothers presented their respective invention in what today is considered to be the first cinema screening. Thus, both cinema and radiography fall within the scopic regime inaugurated by modernity. The use of X-rays on two sculptures from the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum generates images that reveal certain elements of them that would otherwise be invisible to our eyes. These images, despite being generally created for technical or scientific purposes, seem to produce a certain form of 'photogénie': they lend the radiographed objects a new appearance that lies somewhere between the material and the ethereal, endowing them with a vaporous and spectral quality. It is not by chance that physics and phantasmagoria share the term 'spectrum' in their vocabulary.
Watch the Trailer
Who directed the Phantasia movie?
Jorge Moneo Quintana directed the Phantasia movie.
What categories does the Phantasia movie belong to?
It belongs to the genres of Drama, Horror, Animation, Documentary.
When was Phantasia released?
The movie was released on 2024-03-13.
How long is the Phantasia movie?
The runtime is 0 hours and 5 minutes.
Who wrote the Phantasia movie?
The screenplay was written by .
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