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Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite Movie

Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite

Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite is a thrilling Animation film directed by Eduardo Schuldt. This captivating story, produced by Big Bang Sound, released on 2024-01-25 with a runtime of 0 hours and 30 minutes.

Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite Movie Details

Movie Name Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite
Release Date 2024-01-25
Language Spanish
Country Peru
Genres Animation
Director Eduardo Schuldt
Production Company Big Bang Sound
Rating 7.4 out of 10 (177 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ann Giraldo as Alberto (voice), Yeikol Zamora as Julio (voice), Denisse de la Fuente as Ignacio (voice), Rodo Balderas as L'Hermite (voice), Anthony C Garcia as (voice), Felipe Maguiña as (voice), Charlie Leng as (voice), Jesús Villanueva as (voice).


L'Hermite returns and will seek his revenge in the sequel to Piratas en el Callao

Watch the Trailer


Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite


Who directed the Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite movie?

Eduardo Schuldt directed the Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite movie.

What categories does the Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation.

When was Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite released?

The movie was released on 2024-01-25.

How long is the Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 30 minutes.

Who wrote the Piratas en el Callao y el Regreso de L'Hermite movie?

The screenplay was written by .