Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Placa-mãe Movie


Placa-mãe is a thrilling Animation film directed by Igor Bastos. This captivating story, produced by O2 Play, Espacial Filmes, Flash Minas, released on 2024-10-03 with a runtime of 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Placa-mãe Movie Details

Movie Name Placa-mãe
Release Date 2024-10-03
Language Portuguese
Country Brazil
Genres Animation
Director Igor Bastos
Editor Kiko Ferraz, Igor Bastos
Production Company O2 Play, Espacial Filmes, Flash Minas
Rating 7.8 out of 10 (140 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ana Paula Schneider as Nadi (voice), Ana Júlia Silva Guimarães as Lina (voice), Vitor Gabriel Pereira as David (voice), Márcio Simões as Asafe (voice), Margarida Peixoto as Noa (voice), Áurea Baptista as Neusa (voice), Carlos Cunha Filho as Theon (voice), Marcello Crawshaw as Apriel (voice), Cassiano Ranzolin as Lata Nova (voice), Keka Bittencourt as Turbinada (voice), Teffy Marcondes as Sabrina (voice), Guilherme Barcellos as André (voice), Zé Luiz Thomé as Presidente do Senado (voice), Stevan Gaipo as Influenciador (voice), Gisela Habeyche as Candidata a Adoção (voice), Martha Brito as Gringa / Mãe do Laboratório (voice), Renan Rammé as Gringo / Sansão / Homero / Hippie (voice), Kellen C. Silva as Senadora Kell (voice).


Nadi is an android with citizenship, who earns the right to adopt two children. However, a sensationalist politician, brings up several controversies about the case, in order to gain popularity for his candidacy for Senate president.


Who directed the Placa-mãe movie?

Igor Bastos directed the Placa-mãe movie.

What categories does the Placa-mãe movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Animation.

When was Placa-mãe released?

The movie was released on 2024-10-03.

How long is the Placa-mãe movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 46 minutes.

Who wrote the Placa-mãe movie?

The screenplay was written by .