Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Porch Pirates Movie

Porch Pirates

Porch Pirates is a thrilling Drama, Family, Comedy film directed by Jeff Hamm. This captivating story, produced by Ichthys Films, Pine Line Studios, Red Plaid Films, released on 2024-11-28 with a runtime of 1 hours and 47 minutes.

Porch Pirates Movie Details

Movie Name Porch Pirates
Release Date 2024-11-28
Language English
Genres Drama, Family, Comedy
Director Jeff Hamm
Writer Justin Chaffee, Jeff Hamm, Jay Dee Walters
Producer Jeff Hamm, Ken Ray Monts
Production Company Ichthys Films, Pine Line Studios, Red Plaid Films
Rating 6.7 out of 10 (135 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ryan T. Johnson as Sticky/Kenny Rogers, Candace Kirkpatrick as Maria Tyler, Eric Hanson as Fast Eddie, Phil Mendoza as Marcos Fernandez, Bill Jenkins as Mayor Jim, David D. Ford as David, Natalie Jones as Charley, Molly Peyton White as Sarah, Kara Rainer as Sally Jones, Noah Archibald as Bobby, Cody C King as Delivery Man, Terry Higginbotham as Izzy, Kimberly Gail Williams as Becky, Barbara Laurean as Emily, Hank Slaughter as Captain Logan, Eric Mathews as Ralph, M.J. Martinez as Hunter, Larry Cassady as Newscaster, Bill Pope as Frank, Teresa Jones as Karen, Brooklyn Ray Davila as Grace.


In "Porch Pirates," three detectives—Jack Tyler, Marcos Fernandez, and Sally Jones—tackle the challenge of catching a group of holiday thieves. As they strive to safeguard the festive season, they also manage personal struggles. Jack balances his demanding job with his vibrant family life, while widower Marcos grapples with his grief during the holidays. The plot thickens with a high-stakes mission to retrieve a valuable Beanie Baby stolen from the Mayor's porch, threatening the town's Christmas spirit. This thrilling chase is laden with humor, surprising turns, and a sprinkle of holiday magic, reminding us that Christmas joy comes from unity, laughter, and sometimes, chasing the perfect, unconventional gift.

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Porch Pirates


Who directed the Porch Pirates movie?

Jeff Hamm directed the Porch Pirates movie.

What categories does the Porch Pirates movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family, Comedy.

When was Porch Pirates released?

The movie was released on 2024-11-28.

How long is the Porch Pirates movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 47 minutes.

Who wrote the Porch Pirates movie?

The screenplay was written by Justin Chaffee, Jeff Hamm, Jay Dee Walters.