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Pretty Boys Movie

Pretty Boys

Pretty Boys is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Ivan Andrew Payawal. This captivating story, produced by The IdeaFirst Company, Vivamax, released on 2024-07-31 with a runtime of 1 hours and 7 minutes.

Pretty Boys Movie Details

Movie Name Pretty Boys
Release Date 2024-07-31
Language English, Tagalog
Country Philippines
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Ivan Andrew Payawal
Writer Ash Malanum
Production Company The IdeaFirst Company, Vivamax
Rating 4 out of 10 (150 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Tommy Alejandrino as Grey, Markus Paterson as Yates, Kiel Aguilar as Jonas, Meg Ruiz as Nicole, Ricky Vidoro as Jordan Donimgo, Shenelyn Ramos as Menchie Ricohermoso, Jericko Velasco as Anz Raven Sedenia, Angelo Gernale as Reeyan Divina, Mau Solito as Eurica Mae San Diego, Dorilyn Lauzon as Geraln Reyes, Lindzey Espada as Sean Michael Ercina, Gleanne Lamanillao as Kent Seva, Ma Lucila Zabala as Leo Luis Miguel Gayosa, Prince Ovla Gabriel De Santos as Albert De Joya, Brian Decena as Teacher, Gina Osabel as Teacher, Analou Villanueva as Teacher, Wences Rovi Ermitanio as Theater Director, Daisy Evangelista as Couple, Sohian Nito as Couple, Marjorie Deimos as Couple, Errolle Vargas as Twink Hunter, Allan June Pampanga as Janitor.


Pretty Boys is a romantic comedy following Grey, a flamboyant and charming twink, and his longtime best friend, Jonas, a heartthrob with a masculine appeal.


Pretty Boys


Who directed the Pretty Boys movie?

Ivan Andrew Payawal directed the Pretty Boys movie.

What categories does the Pretty Boys movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Pretty Boys released?

The movie was released on 2024-07-31.

How long is the Pretty Boys movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 7 minutes.

Who wrote the Pretty Boys movie?

The screenplay was written by Ash Malanum.