Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Private Bodyguard Movie

Private Bodyguard

Private Bodyguard is a thrilling Drama, Romance film directed by Asep Kusdinar. This captivating story, produced by SinemArt, released on 2024-03-08 with a runtime of 7 hours and 59 minutes.

Private Bodyguard Movie Details

Movie Name Private Bodyguard
Release Date 2024-03-08
Language Indonesian
Genres Drama, Romance
Director Asep Kusdinar
Writer Seana Zavira, Lintang Pramudya Wardani, Angga Haryono, Nuridzka Mutiaradini
Producer Ferry Lesmana, Eri Kuswanda, Taufik Kusnandar
Editor Yori Ramdan
Production Company SinemArt
Rating 6.5 out of 10 (154 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Sandrinna Michelle as Felysia, Junior Roberts as Raga Winston, Fattah Syach as Jordan Winston, Arya Mohan as Helga Winston, Harry Vaughan as Naviro Winston, Umar Lubis as Johan Winston, Zenia Zein as Chloe, Rafi Sanjaya as Hema, Kevin Faulky as Kai, Annisa Kaila as Yolanda, Sharon Sahertian as Miranda, Gabriella Quinlyn as Shania, Fatu Yaffa as Alin, Nyimas Ratu Rafa as Monica, Dina Lorenza as Bu Ida, Giovanni Yosafat Tobing as Andre, Alessia Cestaro as Flora, Daniel Leo as Rama, Zahra Rara as Alya, Roweina Umboh as Bu Ari, Boy Permana as Rio, Dasha March Relovhel as Felicia, Tike Priatnakusumah as Ratih, Queen Jasmine as Davina, Alfian Phang as Baim, Ena Pasaribu as Pegy.


Four popular boys, who are also brothers, are shocked when an orphan girl they often fight at school is suddenly adopted by their parents, but as they grow closer, they might find that having a sister to protect and becomes their voice of reason might be exactly what they needed.

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Private Bodyguard


Who directed the Private Bodyguard movie?

Asep Kusdinar directed the Private Bodyguard movie.

What categories does the Private Bodyguard movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Romance.

When was Private Bodyguard released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-08.

How long is the Private Bodyguard movie?

The runtime is 7 hours and 59 minutes.

Who wrote the Private Bodyguard movie?

The screenplay was written by Seana Zavira, Lintang Pramudya Wardani, Angga Haryono, Nuridzka Mutiaradini.