Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action



REBIRTH is a thrilling Fantasy, Action, History, Music, War film directed by Joel Claudio, Joel Maisanda. This captivating story, produced by US.MAN.DERE, released on 2024-08-01 with a runtime of 0 hours and 6 minutes.

REBIRTH Movie Details

Movie Name REBIRTH
Release Date 2024-08-01
Language No Language
Country United Kingdom
Genres Fantasy, Action, History, Music, War
Director Joel Claudio, Joel Maisanda
Writer Joel Maisanda
Producer Kamila Szymkiewic, Amos Mukombero
Editor Akhil Kanukuntla
Cinematographer Charlie Knight
Production Company US.MAN.DERE
Rating 5.5 out of 10 (156 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ian leone as Hero Zero, Juven Claudio as Boy, Joel Dokui as Cherub, Geoffrey Bageya as Hero, Jonah Dan Othman as Hero, Abdou Malik as Hero, Erica as Hero, Jonasiah Claudio as Hero, Hector Abbott as Hero, Erica Ezeogu as Hero, Tylar Gardener as Hero, Leo Delano Clarke as Hero, Alexander Medeiros as Law Enforcement, Kyle M. F. Dungate as Law Enforcement, Simon Dawson as Law Enforcement, Georgia Pizzala as News Reporter, Lorenzo Standford-Vaughn as Camera Man.


After tragedy strikes a bustling London neighbourhood, disarray ensues, and our hero becomes lost to their pain. A cherub-like spectre soon appears, embodying the change the community desperately craves. All bear witness as winds of hope and unity take shape and the seeds are sown for their growth out of grief




Who directed the REBIRTH movie?

Joel Claudio, Joel Maisanda directed the REBIRTH movie.

What categories does the REBIRTH movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Fantasy, Action, History, Music, War.

When was REBIRTH released?

The movie was released on 2024-08-01.

How long is the REBIRTH movie?

The runtime is 0 hours and 6 minutes.

Who wrote the REBIRTH movie?

The screenplay was written by Joel Maisanda.