Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Ronggeng Kematian Movie

Ronggeng Kematian

Ronggeng Kematian is a thrilling Drama, Thriller, Horror film directed by Verdi Solaiman. This captivating story, produced by Clock Work Films, released on 2024-03-28 with a runtime of 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Ronggeng Kematian Movie Details

Movie Name Ronggeng Kematian
Release Date 2024-03-28
Language Indonesian
Country Indonesia
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Director Verdi Solaiman
Writer Alim Sudio, Arumi E., Sukhdev Singh
Producer Sukhdev Singh, Rajesh Punjabi
Editor Firdauzi Trizkiyanto, Muhammad Rizal F.
Cinematographer Adrian Sugiono
Production Company Clock Work Films
Rating 6.1 out of 10 (168 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Chicco Kurniawan as Hadi, Claresta Taufan as Larasati, Revaldo as Adit, Patty Sandya as Ayu, Cindy Nirmala as Sulastri, Nungki Kusumastuti as Menur, Agus Wibowo as Marto, Dito Darmawan as Yudi, Krisjiana Baharudin as Ricky, Allan Dastan as Akhsan, Gabriella Desta as Alicia, Elang El Gibran as Imam, Muhammad Alfandi Suryo as Wongso, Hans de Kraker as Rahmat, Gabriella Desta as Alice.


College students who are doing KKN in a village with a ronggeng dancer named Sulastri. What's really going on?

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Ronggeng Kematian


Who directed the Ronggeng Kematian movie?

Verdi Solaiman directed the Ronggeng Kematian movie.

What categories does the Ronggeng Kematian movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Thriller, Horror.

When was Ronggeng Kematian released?

The movie was released on 2024-03-28.

How long is the Ronggeng Kematian movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 38 minutes.

Who wrote the Ronggeng Kematian movie?

The screenplay was written by Alim Sudio, Arumi E., Sukhdev Singh.