Drama Crime Thriller Horror Mystery Fantasy Action

Samia Movie


Samia is a thrilling Drama, Family film directed by Yasemin Samdereli. This captivating story, produced by Neue Bioskop Film, Indyca, RAI, Tarantula, BIM Produzione, Momento Film, VOO, BeTV, Shelter Prod, Film i Väst, released on 2024-09-19 with a runtime of 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Samia Movie Details

Movie Name Samia
Release Date 2024-09-19
Language English, Somali
Country Belgium, Germany, Sweden
Genres Drama, Family
Director Yasemin Samdereli
Writer Nesrin Samdereli, Yasemin Samdereli
Producer Dietmar Güntsche, Anja-Karina Richter, Simone Catania, Francesca Portalupi, Riccardo Russo, Michele Fornasero, Michael Krotkiewski, David Herdies, Joseph Rouschop, Martin Rohé
Editor Mechthild Barth
Cinematographer Florian Berutti
Production Company Neue Bioskop Film, Indyca, RAI, Tarantula, BIM Produzione, Momento Film, VOO, BeTV, Shelter Prod, Film i Väst
Rating 7.8 out of 10 (102 votes)

Cast and Characters

In this film, we have Ilham Mohamed Osman as Samia, Elmi Rashid Elmi as Ali, Fatah Ghedi as Yusuf, Fathia Mohamed Absie as Ayaan, Riyan Roble as Samia (young), Zakaria Mohammed as Ali (young), Kaltuma Mohamed Abdi as Miriam, Shukri Hassan as Hodan (young), Armaan Haggio as Yassin-Ahmed, Mohamed Omar as Said, Amina Omar as Hodan, Miguil Ali Soubaneh as Osman Abdi.


Samia Yusuf Omar is just 9 years old when she discovers her special talent: she is faster than all the other boys and girls. With her friend Ali, who is the same age, she has the goal to earn real money with running and become famous. The children make a pact: Ali becomes Samia's coach. With his help, Samia is to become a real champion. But the ongoing civil war makes life in Mogadishu increasingly difficult...




Who directed the Samia movie?

Yasemin Samdereli directed the Samia movie.

What categories does the Samia movie belong to?

It belongs to the genres of Drama, Family.

When was Samia released?

The movie was released on 2024-09-19.

How long is the Samia movie?

The runtime is 1 hours and 36 minutes.

Who wrote the Samia movie?

The screenplay was written by Nesrin Samdereli, Yasemin Samdereli.